Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Panama Anonymous Bearer Share Corporations

Panama Bearer Share Corporation Advantages:

Panama is the only place in the world where you can form a truly anonymous bearer share corporation. Under Panama law a bearer share corporation can be formed that is owned by the possessor of the physical certificates of stock with no recorded owner on record anywhere. This is a bearer share corporation. They have mostly been eliminated in the world since 9-11. In Panama there is just plain and simple no registry with any ownership records for a bearer share corporation, so no one can access something that does not exist. True the lawyer could be contacted who formed the corporation in Panama but this would require a serious court proceeding to violate attorney client privilege, with lots of cause and of course the attorney would be duty bound to oppose such a court order. Violating attorney client privilege is a far more serious matter in the eyes of any court than requiring client records from a corporate registration agent so be careful to not trust your privacy to other than a law firm. Panama has 400,000 corporations registered, most of which will quickly leave if the see the courts violate privacy. Each corporation pays $300 a year in tax, which totals $120,000,000 and this, is for a country with 2.9 million people. The Panama Canal only nets Panama about $335,000,000 and requires 9,000 employees. How many people are required to run a corporate filing dept., maybe 200? Panama is a country very unlikely to violate corporate privacy.

No Corporation Ownership Registry in Panama

The lawyer in Panama may only have knowledge of the person who formed the company but not knowledge of others he or she may have transferred the corporation to since formation. Such transfers need not be reported and the new owner(s) need not be on file anywhere they just need to have the shares of the corporation physically. The transfer process could be completed in minutes if not seconds. The new owner(s) may reside outside of Panama, the new owners could be a corporation, foundation or be a trust in another country, etc. making any trails extremely difficult, time consuming, expensive and in general for most people not feasible to follow especially when you consider that no one really knows how many times the ownership may have been transferred. There is no ownership database for anyone to snoop into period. Thus the possibility of a fishing expedition is non-existent. The nominee Directors can be appointed and thus are not owners and their names are recorded publicly. We provide the three required directors for you complete with signed undated letters of resignation and they do not know who you are. You can effectively transfer the stock certificates privately with no record of the sale appearing anywhere. The new owner can replace the directors with his own directors at will. We can provide a blank bill of sale for the corporation signed by the nominee directors as an optional extra service, see our price list.

Anonymous Corporate Ownership of Assets

A Panama bearer share corporation can own bank accounts, real estate, boats, planes, cars, art, jewelry, businesses, and other valuable assets all without revealing the actual natural persons who own the corporation. Additional complex strategies can be employed using the lawyer to perform certain functions for the corporation. In Panama there is strong privileged communication between the attorney and the client.

Panama Corporation Banking

A bank anywhere in the civilized world will require a beneficial owner for any bank account and will also require identity documents for that person so the bearer share Corporation may not be able to conduct banking matters completely anonymously. In Panama there is serious bank secrecy laws in place providing for criminal and civil penalties. The Panama Bank Secrecy Laws combined with the Bearer Share Corporation formed in Panama using a world class Panama Bank provides the most secure and private asset protection scenario currently available in the world.

Your attorney may act as your agent and collect rents on an apartment building or office building your bearer share Corporation owns to keep the ownership of the property concealed from the tenants and others. The attorney merely forwards the rent proceeds to you or wires them to your bank account anywhere in the world. This is perfectly lawful in Panama. Your attorney could handle an auction where your corporation sells its art collection. The attorney collects the auction proceeds and forwards them to your bank anywhere in the world. Your attorney can buy or sell a yacht for your bearer share Corporation, handle the yacht registration in Panama and you can go sail around the world with your corporate stock certificates locked up in a vault box in your Panama bank.

Panama bearer share corporations can be completed in 2-3 business days after all the information is submitted.

Panama Corporation Unique Tax Benefits

One benefit is there is no tax imposed by Panama on any offshore derived income and there is not even a need to file any tax returns for the corporation if all the income was offshore derived. If you maintain an office in Panama, have a phone in Panama, have a Panama Corporation, and even have a bank account for the corporation in a Panama Bank yet there is still no need to pay taxes or even file tax returns if all the income is offshore sourced, in other words your income comes from payments made to you in Panama from entities not in Panama. For example if you decide to open a hot dog stand in Panama then you would need to pay taxes on this income since it would be derived from within Panama. If you sold goods to customers who were not in Panama and they wired you money into your Panama bank account from outside of Panama this would be offshore derived non-taxable income.

Panama Corporation Privacy

There is no registry in which to record owners of Panama Bearer Share Corporations. There is also no registry to record transfer of the corporation ownership. Even if one had a court order or subpoena from a Panama Court there is no registry to serve the court order on. To transfer the ownership of the Bearer share Corporation one need only hand the new owner the stock certificate. You could transfer ownership 12 times a day if you wanted to without reporting it anywhere or to anyone in the world.

Panama Corporation and Real Estate Ownership

Anonymous Panama Corporations may own property anywhere in the world. To sell the property one merely transfers the shares of the corporation along with a bill of sale signed by the nominee directors who dont know who you are (we can as your law firm and corporate resident agent assist with such agreements at your request). This could reduce taxes resulting from the sale of the property, since the property is not really being sold it is the corporation that owns the property that is being sold, the property is still owned by the same corporation. Remember there is no reportage of the sale of the corporation required in Panama. A Panama Corporation (or Foundation) can own real estate anywhere in the world and this makes the ownership anonymous. You can transfer real estate (or a car, boat, plane, art collection etc.) to the Panama Corporation in return for an annuity and we can supply you with such an agreement signed by the nominee directors. You could also arrange for your Panama corporation to make a loan against the real estate (or boat, plane, art collection etc.) thus removing the equity in the property sheltering it from potential financial enemies. You could even do this with a line of credit secured by a mortgage for the line of credit which you need not ever draw on. The Panama Corporation can own income producing property anywhere in the world and could collect rents (if the property is not in Panama would be tax free income to the corporation), hire property managers, etc. For more on these asset protection strategies see our section on real estate asset protection and in our price section we list some of these formal agreements we can supply to help you document the transactions formally.

Panama Company used to Trade or Hold Stocks, Bonds, Forex, Mutuals, etc.

A Panama Corporation can invest anywhere in the world. Panama has no capital gains taxation. A Panama Corporation can also get a CD in a Panama Bank with up to 7% interest rates for 5 years, again no taxation imposed by Panama. We can assist you in the opening of a Panama Stock Brokerage account where you can invest in 30 markets around the world and of course there is online access. We can also get you a stock brokerage account within a savings account in a Panama Savings and Loan which has Panama Bank Secrecy that would cover your stock trading account. There are many possibilities.

Be a Consultant for your Panama Corporation

Let us say you are a highly paid sales representative, broker, consultant, software developer etc. who works for entities around the world, not just in your home country. Well form an anonymous Panama Corporation and work for the corporation. Your clients would now pay the corporation directly and in turn the corporation pays you according to your wishes. There are no rules for a Panama Corporation in terms of expenses. This means the corporation can pay all of your medical expenses (self-insure) including elective health care like Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, etc. The corporation directly from its Panama bank account pays the health care provider by wire transfer for your elective procedures. The corporation can own your auto, boat, plane etc. used for company business. If you go to Nassau on business frequently the corporation in its overall wisdom may decide it is more advantageous to purchase a condo in Nassau rather than incur hotel expenses. The corporation may determine it is best for you to fly first class on business trips and pay for your tickets directly from its bank account by wiring funds to the travel agent directly. The corporation in its overall wisdom may decide to pay for your legal services as a bonus and pay lawyers representing you directly from its bank account by wire transfer. It is always best to have a tax lawyer in your own jurisdiction advise you on any tax questions.

Panama Corporation as a Holding Company for Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Patents or Royalties

The Panama Corporation can purchase or own these rights to use or sell licenses to this property. You could transfer these rights to the Panama Corporation in return for an annuity or other property the corporation may transfer. This could have tremendous asset protection value since the assets of the corporation belong to the corporation, not you.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Benedikta Blog78245
Ajay Blog18713

Ordering Flowers online is easy by following these steps

If you should be ordering flowers in today's deranged world, saying it with flowers is no longer a walk in the park. Flower affair is tricky with seasons, longevity, time, place, weather and tastes, ruling the situation. Florists are fast becoming important service providers in a hurried, niche market. If you are tongue-tied by emotion, seek a florist well versed in floriography or the proper language of flowers, to deliver it best. They can brilliantly adapt to your feelings, tag a well-written enclosure card and deliver with elegance. Putting together personalized object d'arts, florists cater to your needs as well as corporate happenings, private roles, school and college ceremonies or public extravaganzas.

Choosing the right florist can be hard. Check with family, friends, local yellow pages, floral guides or website recommendations to select the right florist. Whether florists operate from homes or supermarkets, garden supply stores or through on line brokers, word of mouth recommendations are always the safest bet. Out of city deliveries mean that your florist must be part of a floral wire-service or national affiliation that makes for easy networking.

Decide on the money and then go for the flowers. If the flowers have to be sent, provide full name, address and telephone number, in addition with the the best time it have to be delivered. Give the florist at least some days' notice and remember to sign the personal greeting card that follows. Flowers may be delivered in the weekends, but there might be an additional charge.

For people in a hurry, flower delivery via telephonic orders is very easy. Remember to spell out your choices on color, single type or mixed arrangement. Offer the same info on the recipient that you normally would do at the store. Payment can be done by any major credit card or through an in house account. Having flowers delivered is nicer than any other gifts.

For bigger events, flower delivery orders must be placed minimum a month in advance to enable the florist schedule order supply delivery and set up time. Even more important if it is the holiday season, flower delivery can be crammed with hits and misses. Provide all the information regarding location, scope of the event and purpose, so that the final delivery is best of the best. Please ensure your contract spells it all out loud, including taboo flowers, second choices, delivery, payment schedule, set-up costs, cancellation or refund clauses.

Let that spontaneous gesture of passion and attention be an deep one and affirm it with ordering flowers online and remain a delightful "forget me never".

JT Bo makes it easy ordering flowers online. Visit to learn more about how to order your flowers to your loved ones.Biddy Blog62432
Aida Blog63178

Online Travel Business: The 4 Business Models

The Internet offers an effective means for developing a single and sustainable electronic infrastructure for information gathering and business transactions for both travellers and suppliers. It is an ideal method for people to source information on travel. It is an essential for travel-related Websites to offer useful, pertinent and easy-to-find information alongside a booking facility if appropriate.

It can be used to fully research a destination, book all aspects of the holiday including travel and communicate others who have the same ideas or have been through similar experiences. It gives travellers an excellent opportunity to compare and contrast everything on offer before they make a purchase.

The information available online is continually being reformatted and presented in a more logical, easy-to-use and read format. The volume of consumers that rely on this information to make travel-related decisions will therefore continue to rise. In addition, features and benefits of using the Internet to research and book holidays are improving and being added to all the time. For example, consumers no longer have to receive printed tickets from the travel operator. They simply print out any information that they require themselves after they receive it automatically via email.

The Net has meant that people can now easily plan trips for themselves. This has not only opened up a greater amount of discounts available to the general public, but also given people the fun and enjoyment of planning and booking their own trips.

Prior to the Internet, travel agents were the primary source of information and facilitating bookings within the travel industry. However, the onset of Net popularity has seriously impacted upon the future success of a telephone or face-to-face based travel agency. The Internet now allows individuals the ability to plan and book their own trips. It has revolutionised the travel industry as a whole and instigated a trend away from the customer using a travel agent.

There are four Internet business models that can be applied to the travel industry. The business models and examples of businesses within them are as follows:

1) The merchant model, which brings buyers and sellers together. It could be argued that this model is effectively an online travel agent. Websites in this business model category include Travelocity who have recently purchased and Expedia an offshoot from Microsoft.

2) The advertising model, providing valuable travel information whilst generating revenue through various adverts. The significant advantage of this model is its low cost base. A website in this business model that provides information on the UK is

3) The direct model allows the service provider themselves to deal directly with the general public. First of all, British Airways is the longest established and has a large marketshare and conventional competitive advantage. Secondly, EasyJet have established the Internet as being key to their core competency.

4) The community model is one of the longest established operating models on the Internet without having a history of generating a significant revenue stream. Two websites reviewed that fall into this category are Lonely Planet based upon the books that have been published for more than thirty years, and a community of individuals who have a passion for travel.

Although it can be argued that some websites are using a mixture of several business models, it is interesting to acknowledge that just because a business generates the majority of its revenue online, it doesnt mean that conventional business models cant be applied to them.

David Bain is founder of the UK travel website TREKtheUK is a comprehensive UK travel guide featuring lots of places to go and things to do. Why not consider England travel?Anthe Blog20513
Celestyna Blog23025

Distance Learning Schools

If you are seeking a way to improve your financial outlook through higher education, but can't conform to a traditional college class schedule, Distance Learning Schools may be just the ticket you need to achieve your goals. Many working adults prefer the flexibility and pace of distance learning to the rigid structure found at many campus-based schools.

When most people think of Distance Learning, they think of online colleges. Distance Learning is widely available over the Internet, and sometimes through mail-order services as well. The flexible educational path offered by online schools can help students to gain a complete education that can enhance employability and income potential. They also impart necessary technological skills needed for many jobs. Students are able to study in their own environment in their spare time to earn degrees ranging from professional certification to associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees.

Students will find highly skilled professionals teaching extensive classes online, offering the accessibility and freedom that working adults desire while taking college-level courses. Furthermore, instructors at Distance Learning Schools routinely interact with students, providing necessary feedback and individual student assessments. Thus, students can obtain a professional degree or certification in their own homes, at their own convenience, and without the hassles of commuting to class.

Meeting the needs of stay-at-home-parents, working people, and retirees, the courses offered by Distance Learning Schools can easily be completed via a computer with an Internet connection. One needs only to download assignments, listen to online lectures (or read lecture transcripts), study for exams, and complete and submit projects in a reasonable time frame. Most schools require at least 12-15 hours of study per week, but students can spend more time to complete their studies in a shorter period of time.

Because online colleges and universities vary in curriculums, the student should carefully review course guidelines before enrollment to determine which types of certification or degree programs are available. For those needing help with tuition costs, some Distance Learning Schools may participate in financial assistance programs (such as the Pell Grant), and other student loan services.

If you're seeking new skills to start a new career, or you'd like to enhance your personal marketability, or you're simply thirsty for more knowledge, distance learning schools may be a valuable option for you. Whatever the case may be, Distance Learning can provide you with the advantages you need to succeed and achieve overall personal and professional satisfaction.

If you are interested in learning more about Distance Learning Schools and other programs of study, please search our site for more information and resources.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc., in association with Visit our Distance Learning Directory and find Distance Learning Schools, Online Schools and other Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools at; your educational resource to locate schools.Aubree Blog26554
Brittne Blog48896

The Advantages of a Broadband Connection

What kind of Internet connection do you have? Are you waiting ages for that page to load? I know how bad it is. But consider the times we are living in. Are we not supposed to simply fly through web pages like an Acura NSX or a 911 Turbo? However, if your Internet connection is really slow then you would be lucky to move at 5 miles per hour. All that really matters is the Internet service provider and the broadband connections available. How good is your current Internet provider? Do you pay lots of cash for a service working only half the time? There are still many people who do that. But you should no longer stand for it. You have another, a better option. You can have the fastest Internet speed at all times with all the great high speed cable services available.

Do you know about Internet broadband connection? Even though it has been quite a popular thing nowadays, there are still people who lack the necessity knowledge. There is one very important thing related to Internet - this is the connection speed. Generally, there are three different Internet connections you can have from home. You can choose which one to have depending on how much time you spend online and how much you are willing to pay for the service. There are many people spending most of their time surfing Cyber space, while others barely get online once a month. I guess the latter is quite hard to imagine, but you have to trust me on that. Such people exist!

My mother is a perfect example. She doesn't know what a broadband connection is and I don't think she even cares about it. I assume this has lots to do with the generation issue. How would my parents know anything about computers and the Internet as when there were kids, went to school and even attended the university there were no computers. Anyway, let's go on with the three different Internet connection options. First of them comes the dial-up which is the oldest and the slowest connection. Apart from that it comes with that awful noise everyone hates.

The second option is the popular DSL which is many times better than the dial-up as far as connection speed is concerned. Furthermore, you are twenty four hours a day connected to the Internet. The last option available is undoubtedly the best. It is the high speed broadband connection. It is the most time efficient as the internet speed is extremely fast. With broadband connection you don't have to wait to download media. Do you already have high speed cable broadband connection? If not, you have no idea what you are missing. Hop online immediately and check the greatest deals available.

What kind of Internet connection do you have? Are you waiting ages for that page to load? I know how bad it is. But consider the times we are living in. Are we not supposed to simply fly through web pages like an Acura NSX or a 911 Turbo? However, if your Internet connection is really slow then you would be lucky to move at 5 miles per hour. All that really matters is the Internet service provider and the broadband connections available. How good is your current Internet provider? Do you pay lots of cash for a service working only half the time? There are still many people who do that. But you should no longer stand for it. You have another, a better option. You can have the fastest Internet speed at all times with all the great high speed cable services available.

Do you know about Internet broadband connection? Even though it is quite a popular thing nowadays, there are still people who aren't quite sure what it is. There is one very important thing concerning the Internet - this is the connection speed. Generally, there are three different Internet connections you can have from home. You can choose which one to have depending on how much time you spend online and how much you are willing to pay for the service. There are many people spending most of their time surfing Cyber space, while others barely get online once a month. I guess the latter is quite hard to imagine, but you have to trust me on that. Such people exist!

My mother is a perfect example. She doesn't know what a broadband connection is and I don't think she even cares about it. I assume this has lots to do with the generation issue. How would my parents know anything about computers and the Internet as when there were kids, went to school and even attended the university there were no computers. Anyway, let's go on with the three different Internet connection options. First of them comes the dial-up which is the oldest and the slowest connection. Apart from that it comes with that awful noise everyone hates.

The second option is the popular DSL which is many times better than the dial-up as far as connection speed is concerned. Furthermore, you are twenty four hours a day connected to the Internet. The last option available is undoubtedly the best. It is the high speed broadband connection. It is the most time efficient as the internet speed is extremely fast. With broadband connection you don't have to wait to download media. Do you already have high speed cable broadband connection? If not, you have no idea what you are missing. Hop online immediately and check the greatest deals available.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning internet. Get more information by visiting Blog88745
Briana Blog55749

Getting Free Photoshop Tutorials

The Photoshop software is truly a big deal for most people. It pays to have this program in your computer in order to manipulate your pictures as your desire. With this at hand, you can be sure that you get to improve those digital images you have taken even before they get printed. This is more reason for you to give away beautiful pictures to friends and relatives.

However, it is not enough that you have the Photoshop program installed in your computer. It is a must that you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop so you can do the things that you want. As such it is very important to get a Photoshop tutorial.

There are options such as to hire a tutor or enrol in program where you can learn Photoshop skills. You can also choose to buy books that will teach you the aspects of the program. These are options that are open to you. However, it may even be a better choice for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Here, you get to learn a new skill without having to spend the extra money in your pocket.

The Free Photoshop Tutorial

There are many ways for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Be sure that you get to use these options because it sure is a good thing to save your extra money instead. If you can have something for free, then just grab it and make the most out of it.

Ask a Friend for Help in the Photoshop

Some people are fortunate enough to have friends and relatives who are skilled in the Photoshop application. If you happen to have a friend of your own, then ask him or her to teach you basic Photoshop. This is a good way to get the free Photoshop tutorial. You can even use that extra time of learning as a bonding activity.

Explore the Photoshop Program

If it happens that you cannot access any friend to give the tutorials, you can explore the Photoshop program. The manufacturers do provide basic tutorials with the installation. You can easily check the options for the basic tutorials. This can explain to you how certain commands work and when to use them. You can read on the instructions and the step-by-step processes. There are also editions in the Photoshop software that can actually give tutorial using visuals. You will definitely enjoy viewing how a project is developed.

Download Files Online

You can also get free Photoshop tutorials online. There are numerous web sites that will give help for free. You can access the tutorial in PDF format and see the instructions. You can also browse through the sites to find the discussion on a particular topic. You may even love the options of seeing the tutorial in video format.

Ask for Assistance Online

The manufacturer can provide an option for you to get help online. However, you may find it even amazing to explore the different discussion boards and forums where other Photoshop users converge. This can be an opportunity to get free Photoshop tutorials from them. You can post your question and you can expect the other users to give you the advice you need.


Get your free Photoshop tutorials and learn the basic skills needed to operate the program. This way, you can turn out your nice images into fabulous pictures.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information about an excellent small business marketing checkout http://www.prophotosecrets.comBillie Blog11691
Albertina Blog76974

Fall Birdies

Wow, its gotten cold around here in a hurry. Maybe the grosbeaks had it right. The whole flock left about a month early. All of a sudden the wooden bird feeders still have food in them by the time the sun goes down and there are no bright yellow clowns in my garden fountain, I am so sad. I miss their silliness. For some reason, they left behind one single pair of fledglings born this year. I have no idea why. They looked lonely sitting on one of the ornamental bird feeders. They stayed for an extra 2 weeks but now they are gone too.

So now that everyone is gone I have clean up the yard. Its time to put away the decorative bird feeders, well, except two for the winter birds. They get cranky if the seed runs out. I keep the 2 sturdiest wooden bird feeders full for them. If I can I take them down I will put a fresh seal of non-toxic wood sealer. But as always I will have to replace a few bird feeders if only because I want a new look or a different ornamental bird feeder. The garden bird fountains need to be scrubbed and put away for the winter as well. I have one birdbath fountain that I keep heated for those cold winter days to come, the birdies love that warm water, but we dont need it yet.

Right now all the residents are feasting on Mother Natures bounty so my seed budget has dropped way down. However, after last weeks cold snap I will have to be on the lookout for the bears until it gets cold enough for them to nap. Rumor has it we have a momma with triplets but that is very rare. We have at least one little bear breaking into houses for goodies in the neighborhood.

I am looking for the perfect winter bird feeder. I find that I may just have to design my own. I have found many great feeders at but this one continues to elude me. When I find it, or design it, I will make sure that you can get one too.

Jean WoodsBess Blog98201
Beverlie Blog31768

This Summer is Full of Honors and Functions in the San Antonio School District

San Antonio School Districts Harris Middle School selected national Middle School of the Year

Harris Middle School is being recognized for its students efforts to improve their communitys quality of life. This summer Harris Middle School has received the National Youth Crime Watch of America Casey Award presented during the international conference in Ogden, Utah. This award is given to those individuals or organizations that offer examples of leadership, allocation of resources, and support in student or youth crime prevention programs and plans. Harris Middle School, part of the San Antonio Schools, was the only middle school in the US to receive this honor. Harris Middle School was chosen for its students tremendous efforts in improvement of its campus and community. This was accomplished by programs that focused on conflict resolution, theft prevention, street clean-ups, and smoking and drug awareness programs. This has resulted in the Harris Middle School being one of the safest, friendliest, and positive school environments in the state. Students are active participants in the Peer Assistance Leadership group and the Peer Mediators, these groups teach understanding and conflict resolution strategies. Harris Middle School was also a past recipient of the San Antonio Bar Foundations Peacemaker Award, which chooses safe schools throughout the San Antonio School District.

Brackenridge High School Recognized in National Award

Brackenridge High School received honorable mention as one of nine finalists nationwide for the College Boards Inspiration Award, which recognizes the countrys most improved high schools. A College Board representative facilitated a panel discussion with school administrators, staff, students, and parents. The representative was especially interested in hearing from students. Approximately 20 students were part of the discussion. The representative visited classrooms following the panel forum. The information that was collected at Brackenridge was taken to judges in New York, where they reviewed all nine finalists. The Award recognizes high schools that maintain AP or International Baccalaureate programs despite the difficulties at the school.

Special Functions in the San Antonio Schools this Summer

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) will hold a Summer Academy CSI from 8 a.m. to noon at eight high schools in the San Antonio School District. This program will focus on the application and value of science in forensic investigation. Students will be able to participate in solving mock crimes. The students will uses skills they learn in the program. Using their powers of observation, analytical skills and advanced scientific technology to uncover the most minuscule evidence, students will attempt to solve the crimes. Based on the popular CSI television programs, this adventure for 6th-graders combines science, math and language arts, resulting in a learning experience as fun as it is enlightening. Summer Academy CSI is part of, designed to help the class of 2012 be prepared for success in college and beyond.

The Christopher Columbus and the Americas program will be offered at two San Antonio School District middle schools from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students will discover all aspects of what the New World was like at the time the famed explorer first landed on its shores, including its culture, history, geography, and myths. By integrating social studies and language arts, the course also examines the impact of the resulting Colombian Exchange through which Native Americans and Europeans introduced to each other a variety of different animals, concepts, crops, foods, and materials.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Arlen Blog38800
Brigid Blog69285

Decorating Your Garden

Add Excitement to Your Garden! - Garden Decor - ations!

Most every garden you wander through has it - Garden Decor! There's a garden bench at the end of a lovely meandering path, the soothing sensation of a waterfall or bubbling water garden fountain, or maybe a laughable or awe-inspiring garden statue.

It's decorations in your garden. Non plant elements - "Garden Decor".

Garden Decor is part of what makes your garden inviting, comfortable, interesting, enticing, unusual, perhaps hilarious, soothing, cherished and more!

There's no place I prefer to be than in the garden. I work and relax in it, my daughter photographs it. We wander through it, dig our hands into it and we ENJOY it's bounties while we are amazed at it's complex nature and how the garden fills our senses completely. Sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste as well as our spiritual senses are all beguiled in the garden. Linger with us a bit as we saunter through the garden.

We walk into a garden and are immediately entranced by what we see whether it be a formal garden design or a cottage garden we delight in the colors, textures and plant combinations we see. Garden decor adds additional architectural elements to the garden. I love walking through a garden gate or garden arbor filled with blooming roses or dangling grapes and then into the gardens beauty beyond. Bird baths, garden statues, seating areas and water features can all add interest and create a focal point in our gardens.

A quirky collection of containers is always intriguing garden decor. We adorn our patio every year with different plant combinations in containers that are anything from pots, or old kitchen odds and ends, to discarded tubs and old logs with rotted out gnarled holes we can fill with soil and grow in. The patio garden is one of my favorite projects because it's new and unique every year.

A scare crow, garden gnome, or a funky bird feeder can all add a sense of whimsy to the garden. I collect garden decor (ations) from garage sales and display then in the garden, moving things around as the mood strikes. It's really even more fun than rearranging the furniture!

A water garden or water feature delights the birds and other wildlife providing us with a soothing sensation of the sound of running water. A water feature doesn't need to be large. You can add a small water garden to most any garden and do it quite inexpensively. I have an old bucket that I keep unplanted in my garden. This water doesn't run, it's there for the animals. We've recently had a family of foxes move in and they enjoy a fresh drink in the mornings and evenings when the garden is cool and inviting.

Finally, as you add garden decor to your garden, think of garden furniture, maybe a patio umbrella and seating area or a pergola. Every garden needs to provide a "place to be". A relaxing shady spot or a place to plop and enjoy the beautiful view you've created.

As we've wandered gardens we've also taken pictures for you focusing on the garden decor. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy sharing them. We also ask that you submit your garden decor photos to use so we can share those with our readers. We welcome your projects and project ideas.

Copyright © 2006 Jill Dow http://aaagardendecor.comCandi Blog98240
Alex Blog66221

8 Reasons Why You Know Youre Ready For A Career Change

8 Reasons Why You Know Youre Ready For A Career Change

1. Every morning you wake up thinking, Just X more days until the week-end.

2. On the way to work you have to psyche yourself into wanting to go to work.

3. Once you get to work, you begin to feel pressured and squeezed for time and you havent even clocked in yet.

4. As you begin to perform your tasks, your mind wanders, wondering if theres something better, more exciting, or more fulfilling out there.

5. When you leave work, youre already telling yourself the reasons why you must return tomorrow.

6. When you arrive home and your spouse asks, How was your day? You grunt and say, Same old stuff. Lets talk about something else.

7. Fridays paycheck arrives and as you read the dollar amount you instantly think, This job is so not worth this!

8. As you begin to pay your bills, you discover that once again youre robbing Peter to pay Paul, which in terms causes a bit of depression and you snap on the closest person to you, even though theres no reason to do so.

Yes, those are all true scenarios for people who desperately need to change careers. But change doesnt come easy. In fact, its pretty darn hard. It means stepping out of ones comfort zone, learning a new task, and asking your spouse to trust your decision. But its not impossible.

The best way to handle a career change is to take your time. In other words, dont quit your day job as soon as you realize its making you miserable; after all, you need that paycheck!

Take a step back to figure out why youre unhappy, and then take the steps necessary to figure out what would make you happy.

Once you know what will make you happy, take inventory of your skills, talents, and education. Can you start a new career doing what you love with what you currently possess or must you return to school?

If you must return to school, dont go with the first school that comes to mind; take the time to meet with an administrations counselor to learn more about the school, payment options, and job placement programs.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Aleece Blog52762
Camile Blog97815

Human Holon Communications within a High-Mix, Low-Volume Holonic Manufacturing System

Organizational communication is fundamental to high-mix manufacturing success. At the human holon level, communications are typically of the form: request, reply and inform. To have dialog amongst collaborative holons, human-system interfaces are required. Interface applications within a cooperative holonic domain are relatively simple, and decision support criteria will look like it comes from a single application.

Cooperative domains are highly distributed, autonomous and cooperative. An example of a strong heterarchy is real-time Internet chat amongst engineers. Heterarchical control is most effectively initiated by a triggering mechanism, e.g., machine breakdown, stockout, etc. for a manufacturing production environment. All users see the same state real time. Triggering is initiated after a disturbance or disruption occurs and the response strategy is communication to the entity(ies) capable of mitigating the problem quickly. Decision support would be provided to the holon responding. Decision support is comprised of heuristics to aid in the decision-taking process a pseudo expert system. The critical importance of mobilizing heterarchy cannot be overstated. To ensure efficiency is maintained, heterarchy increasingly trumps hierarchy as complexity and rate of change increase.

The power of heterarchy can be analogized to the behaviors of the ant kingdom. Simple creatures following simple rules, each one acting on local information. This heterarchical behavior forms the foundation of what is called swarm intelligence, i.e., decentralized self-organizing systems. No centralized control structure dictates how individual holons should behave. The collective behaviors of holons interacting locally cause coherent global benefits to emerge. The triggers and response tactics incorporated act to preserve advice given globally; for example, a production plan.

Consider a situation where a disturbance occurs at a process step. This trigger will cause the local holon experiencing the disruption to inform the production manager holon. The production manager holon will ask for a time estimate to recover from the disruption. If production was suspended, the local holon would have triggered the engineering holon as well as the production manager holon that production was suspended. If the due date cannot be met, the production manager holon will contact customer order service and customer order service may relax the due date or contact the customer directly. The production manager holon may minimally modify the current schedule to minimize the disturbances impact on orders in queue yet to be produced.

The rules-of-the-game are embedded in canons which are comprised of heuristics. Canons contain expert advice that facilitates some of the following characteristics for the holons with which they are associated; self organization, system optimization, cooperation, intelligence, forecasting and even considerateness.

Although there is a plethora of information available about automation exhibiting holonic behavior and test cases abound, this is is not a necessary requirement.

R. Michael Mahoney

R. Michael Mahoney is a leading thinker on high-mix strategy, and the author of the college text High-Mix, Low-Volume Manufacturing, published through Hewlett-Packard Press by Prentice-Hall © 1997. He can be found at http://www.Holonyx.comBrandy Blog82764
Arlen Blog38800

Menopause Weight Gain You Can Lose It

Its probably safe to assume that the reason you found this article is because youve gradually, but progressively gained some unwanted weight, especially around your mid-section. This is somewhat surprising since youve not necessarily changed your lifestyle or eating habits. As a matter of fact, theres a good chance youve even cut your caloric intake, but still the weight remains. Could this weight gain be associated with menopause? If youre a woman in your thirties of forties, the answer is yes most definitely. Weight gain, as you approach menopause, is quite common and often one of the first symptoms of menopause that women notice. This is true even if youre still experiencing regular periods.

You see, as you approach menopause your bodys hormone levels are declining, thus causing many changes to occur. As your estrogen levels decline, your body will naturally look for other places from where to get the needed estrogen. Unfortunately, fat cells are capable of producing estrogen, which results in your body working harder to convert calories to fat.

In addition to the declining levels of estrogen, your bodys testosterone levels are also declining. As you may know, testosterone is the hormone that converts your calories to lean muscle mass. Obviously, with lower testosterone levels youre now losing muscle mass. Since muscle burns far more calories than does fat, your body is no longer capable of burning calories the way it used to.

As you can see, your declining hormone levels are the main culprit behind all of the weight gain youre now noticing. Dont think for one minute that you need to accept or welcome this unwanted enemy because you can easily lose this menopausal weight gain. I recently published some inspirational quotes on my website to assist women in their everyday lives. One of my favorites comes to mind when I think about what makes so many women complacent when theyre faced with symptoms of menopause and weight gain. Jim Rohn once said Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. If your goal is to lose the weight youve gained, the only thing that can possibly stop you from accomplishing this goal is a lack of discipline.

If youre willing to put your discipline into high gear you will undoubtedly lose the weight youve gained due to declining hormone levels associated with menopause. Its important that you understand whats taking place inside your body so that youre well aware that simply cutting calories will not significantly reduce or eliminate the weight around your mid-section. You must build muscle to turn your body into a calorie-burning machine. You neednt be extreme, but an exercise routine that includes weight training at least three days a week will give you results that will astonish you.

Remember, Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Dont be complacent. You're headed in the right direction because you researched the Internet seeking information regarding weight gain during menopause. Consider this the first step in your walk across the bridge to accomplishment.

Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist mature women as they approach and experience menopause. She is a grandmother, who started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery of the significant role that exercise plays in making menopause a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life.Cacilia Blog91052
Barbi Blog64258

Now Internet Makes Financing Easier - Online Secured Loan

Improved technology has made possible and easier for us to apply any form of secured loan through online. While applying secured loan online there is no need to visit banks and other financial institutions for loan. Rather all the formalities are conducted through internet and also the money is transferred in the account within 24 hours.

Finally, when we decide to avail online secured loan, a thought mostly visit in our mind that is, providing all the personal and financial information on the internet is safe? It is the common question that may arise. And, there is need to inform all the people willing to avail online secured loan that there is no need to worry about the security of the information provided on the internet. The reason is that most of the websites uses encrypted software which keeps the information secure.

And, when our security problem is solved the next point lies in finding the online lender which provides the loan as per our needs and requirements, which is only possible through a thorough research. While searching, number of lenders comes with their offers of online secured loan. While choosing the lender we must keep our eyes open. In other words, the borrower is needed to go thoroughly on each and every aspect of the secured loan being offered. Brief of such point which are needed to be considered are:

Interest rate

Other costs of the loan

Terms and condition

Whether lender is authorized and reputable

Repayment period

Hidden costs etc.

Above are the points which need attention in regard to the secured online loan. Another point which is needed to be considered is that whether borrower can afford all the repayments of loan or not. If the borrower finds that he will find difficulty in making repayments in such case, he must avoid taking any loan because it can affect his credit score and can also put his asset placed as collateral on risk.

As such there is no difference between initial secured loan and

Online secured loan but an online secured loan offers the facility of applying loan at the convenience of the borrower that is at any time and from any where. Practically, it is also proven that the cost of online mode of applying secured loan is much lesser than applying in the physical market. The basic reason is that the online method involves no processing and overhead cost.

Aldrich Chappel has been associated with GetSecuredLoans, since its inception. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To find Cheap secured loan, Secured consolidation loan,Low cost secured loan, Best secured loan UK, Online secured loan, Homeowner loan personal secured visit Blog62864
Cassandra Blog76912

Criminal Justice Degree Online Options

Going directly from high school to law school is too big a jump for most anyone. It is important to take each step needed towards earning a law degree, or becoming a professional in the legal field. Education is required, and with the right focus a criminal justice degree online is a plausible option to acquire a career in the legal field. Many people will become involved in different apprenticeships and alternative methods regarding the legal and criminal justice fields. One of the best ways to take steps toward a legal career is through earning a criminal justice degree online. By earning a criminal justice degree online one can take a step or two towards obtaining the career of his or her dreams. Online classes will allow one to choose the best time to attend classes, and the amount of time it will take for them to earn the degree. Flexibility is important to most students, and online programs provide these types of classes for students working towards a degree in the legal field.

Buying a book on criminal justice programs in the United States will easily help illustrate the fact that most criminal justice programs are four year programs that cost thousands of dollars a semester to attend. While this route is good for many reasons, there are thousands of people that would be interested in becoming a legal professional but can't afford it. An online program may be the best option for them. The criminal justice degree online ensures that people can earn a degree in as little as 2 years, without having to spend a small fortune on their education. They would not have to drop everything to return to school. Many institutions will admit that the criminal justice degree online programs are as thorough, and effective as those traditional programs offered on a traditional campus. Having the option to attend an online program has been the liberating factor for many qualified professionals looking for a way to break into the legal field.

Another benefit to enrolling in any online degree program is that you will gain exposure to the latest computer technology that can directly help you earn more money in the field chosen. For the criminal justice industry, this is the simplest way to learn some of the most advanced techniques used. There are so many new computer technology related aspects to the criminal justice degree online program that it is hard to count. There are courses that focus on searching for suspects, as well as the new software police officers use to keep in touch with the call center at their home stations. This all results in an online program that is worthy of the sacrifices people have to make to earn it.

For the millions of people that have always wanted a career in the legal field, online degrees can be a step in the right direction. There is no better time to earn a criminal justice degree online than today. Take a step, fill out an application, research the programs available, and the reality will be a few short years away from completion.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Criminal Justice Degree online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Benetta Blog47462
Aura Blog76786

The Benefits of Applying Online for a Credit Card

The traditional approach of applying for credit cards through paper brochures has been replaced by a more efficient method: Applying Online.

Applying online for a credit card gives the consumer the advantage to compare offerings instantaneously. Whereas with a traditional brochure and unlike those pre-approved applications that annoyingly flood consumers mailboxes, applying online puts the consumer in the driver seat where they can dissect the perks and choose the card that best matches their needs.

With all of the various and distinctive offerings that credit card companies provide today, its most important for a consumer to choose a card that gives them the best purchasing power.

The new credit cards today are typically reward-based. However, not every credit card issuer provides the same rewards. If a consumer goes to a specific bank website, they will only be able to choose the cards that are issued by that bank.

To get the best credit card offerings, a consumer has to compare different credit cards from one central location.

To make the most of applying online, it is recommended that you take the following thoughts into consideration before applying:

1.) Decide what type of credit card you are looking for. Not all credit cards are the same today. There are reward credit cards, blink-enabled credit cards, business credit cards, retail cards, and prepaid credit cards, to name a few.

2.) Decide how you will use a credit card. Are you a frequent purchaser? If so, then look at reward-based credit cards. Are you planning on paying in full every month? If so, look for a credit card that has no annual fee.

3.) Do you travel a lot? There are many cards available that provide distinctive services free of charge. Among other things, they include lost luggage coverage and auto rental insurance. Something to consider when choosing a card.

4.) Are you aware of your credit score? If you know that you have a fairly low credit score, then you can find comfort knowing that there are many solid secured credit cards available to help rebuild your credit.

5.) If you are a student, your best bet would typically apply online for a student credit card. These cards are specifically designed to look pass a typical students limited credit history while providing useful perks that could meet their collegiate needs.

Applying online for a credit card puts the consumer in an advantageous position. No longer are you obligated to wait for the best credit card offerings through the mail or take time-consuming trips to the bank. In most cases, youll even get an instant approval when applying online.

In a nutshell, applying online is faster, simpler, and gives the consumer more choices than was previously impossible before. Put yourself in the drivers seat and apply online when you feel the need to get the best credit card.

Kit Phillip is an Information Specialist for the leading credit card news center on the web today.Ardene Blog51599
Belle Blog47291

The Era Of Online Education

The Internet has broken down language barriers, country boundaries, and learning methods. Today, learning at home is not only possible but highly advisable because the World Wide Web gives students resources that otherwise are not available as fast as the time it takes when a student turns on his or her personal computer.

The era of education online means that your ability to obtain higher education is just a mouse click away. Online education is one of the best options for those who want to get a degree and work at the same time. Within the past ten years, online education and internet training has provided many people with a new incentive to learn.

Online education includes a full spectrum of possibilities starting with early childhood education and including college preparation, or complete learning programs for obtaining a college degree. Online courses open a world of possibilities to people who for any given reason were unable to attend regular school programs, or those whose actual activities and limited time, made it hard to stick to a full-time learning schedule.

Online education is spreading across the globe like a wildfire fueled by textbooks and periodic tables. Millions who previously thought that a college degree was firmly out of their reach have discovered that all it takes to attend college in todays world are the combination of a few free hours each day and access to the Internet.

Online Education Equals Big Business

Originally conceived as a way for adults to earn a college degree later in life than usual, online education or distance learning has spread to the point that people of all ages are now involved. Children as young as the fourth grade level now have access to online education in many areas, using it as a supplement to or in place of traditional classes.

With Online Education Everybody Wins

Part of the appeal to online education is that it is literally good for everyone. Educators can enter a new job market in writing and implementing an online curriculum and can use this income to supplement the earnings that receive from classroom education. Students of all ages have an alternative to traditional classes in which they can learn without the interference of other students behavioral interruptions. Adults who may have missed out on their high school diplomas or college degrees now have the opportunity, through online education, to complete or further their studies without the scheduling problems that may have made this impossible in the past. Finally, online education offers businesses the chance to educate their workforce at a lower cost and the benefit of a generation of computer literate and more highly educated prospective employees entering the job market.

However, online education is not limited to school subjects. Demand for adult education and online courses are some of the most widely available educational resources on the Internet, intended for developing specific skills. Cooking and baking courses, mechanical reparations, interior decoration, are just a few of those quick courses available online.

Another motivation encouraging online education includes foreign languages learning, or just for broadening your culture. Online options are as many as everyone's need; degree programs, online education courses, training certificates and more, including accredited formal education.

Online education saves time, money, and offers opportunity to those who may have never had it in the past. It may truly be the wave of the future. Helping students to succeed in both education and career aspirations, online education is fast becoming a convenient, but credible educational tool of the modern era.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail kateriwhite@gmail.comAndree Blog45214
Ashly Blog98628

The Purpose Of A Medical Power Of Attorney Form

The main purpose of a medical power of attorney form also known as a health care power of attorney form, is made to give some one the right to control the decisions relating to your medical care if you can not communicate those decisions yourself.

You can also use a medical power of attorney form to establish additional, non-exclusive means for an individual to exercise his or her right to withhold, withdraw, and give consent to medical treatment. This can include mental health treatment, when you can no longer have the capacity to understand or communicate health care decisions.

Another reason to use a medical power of attorney form to protect your wishes to be left on life support. If no medical power of attorney form is declared your present condition is the only factor is whether the health care agent is given authority to take you off life support, as stated in law with the exact definition under G.S. 90-321 article 90 chapter 321.

Your medical power of attorney form will be effective once your physicians decides in writing that you lack the mental capacity to make health care decisions.

Your health care power of attorney form will not be legal binding until you meet two requirements. You must have two "witnesses" sign the document and you must have the health care power of attorney form notarized by a notary.

Now that you have your health care power of attorney filled out, two witnesses signed it, and you had it notarized then send a copy to your doctor, your family members, your attorney, etc. The original document is your own personal copy, keep it where it can be found. Some suggest you talk with your family and physician about your wishes and have them known and understood before the need arises.

Nicholas Fagan is proud to be the author of where you can download do-it-yourself legal forms, books, and kits. Download your state's specific Medical Power Of Attorney Form also known as a health care power of attorney form. Download here Blog62201
Catarina Blog67728

How To Stage A Viral Marketing Campaign That Works

There are all sorts of ways to initiate a viral marketing campaign that brings targeted traffic straight to you, but one of the best is through the use of free ebooks.

A viral marketing ebook is something that can be distributed to numerous people with relative ease. With each new person that receives one of your free ebooks, you gain an opportunity to make a profit from your products and services or from an affiliate's products or services.

There are three major components that are necessary to creating a viral marketing campaign that works:

Wide Distribution

There are many ebook writers who charge for their creation. It's common practice. But the fact is, charging for ebooks is not the best way to achieve wide distribution. People love items that are free or discounted. By offering free ebooks, you ensure a wide distribution for your campaign. If you allow the books to be redistributed or rebranded, you practically guarantee more targeted traffic, and in turn, more profit for you.

Quality Content

The quality of your free ebooks is important. Readers aren't impressed with spelling and grammar errors. In fact, such problems may cause the reader to stop reading altogether, or worse, create distrust in the products and services that are mentioned. If the ebook isn't professional, your targeted traffic won't take you seriously.

In addition to avoiding content errors, you will also want to make sure that any affiliate links that are featured within the free ebooks are somehow relevant to the content and title of the ebooks. For example, you don't want to be discussing a subject like dog walking and then thrown in a random link for a domain registration services. It is much better to weave the affiliate link into your writing so that its appearance seems natural. Readers will respond to this much faster than they would to a high pressured and sloppy sales technique.

Maximum Return

If you want to make sure that you get the maximum return possible on your viral marketing campaign, you will need to get the rebranding balance just right in your free ebooks. The best way to do this is by making sure that the links are for your own products or for products that you have resale rights to. You can also use links that are for 2-tier affiliate programs, ensuring that you collect the second tier commission when a rebrander makes a sale.

When done properly, using a viral marketing campaign that centers around free ebooks can bring you the targeted traffic you need. You will make profit time and time again, with very little effort on your part.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Camel Blog88063
Bellanca Blog68305

California Schools Educators Retirement System and Lionstone Group Create Investment Fund

The California State Teachers Retirement System (CSTRS) is the second largest public pension fund in the nation, providing retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California schools educators. Over 776,000 kindergarten through community college educators are members of the CSTRS, which currently has an investment portfolio of $142 billion.

Keeping quality educators in the California schools is of primary concern to everyone in the state. Without well-educated California schools youth, the city, businesses and economy of the state will suffer. Thus, when Lionstone Group, a research-based real estate investment firm, announced last month they and CSTRS had formed a discretionary $100 million real estate investment fund, the news was well received by everyone. As with any organization, good benefits will attract and keep quality educators in the California schools.

What makes the announcement so exciting is Lionstones track record with another fund it created with the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF). Called the Cash Flow Office One, the fund has consistently exceeded expectations since its inception in December 2002. At that time, OPERF committed $75 million to the fund, expecting Lionstone to invest the capital within 24 months. Lionstone invested over 80 percent of OPERFs capital within 12 months with excellent returns. OPERF expanded its funding commitment in 2004 and now has over $200 million of equity and owns 20 office buildings around the country that are valued at $550 million.

Like OPERFs fund, the California schools educators fund, known as the Cash Flow Office Two, will target high occupancy office buildings in permanent locations across the United States.

CSTRS has committed $100 million to the fund, which can grow to over $500 million over time. Lionstone contributes one percent of the funds total equity. With the combined equity added to debt of up to 50 percent loan-to-value (LTV), the total buying power of the fund is approximately $1 billion.

The Lionstone Group was formed in 2001. It creates national investment strategies using primary research. Dedicated teams execute each investment strategy, including the fund for the California schools educators. Before creating the fund with the California schools educators retirement system, Lionstone refined their investment process to target locations that produce buildings with lower risk factors, according to Lionstone Principal Dan Dubrowski.

The California schools CSTRS Portfolio Manager Michael Thompson stated that the Lionstone management team over the Cash Flow Office Two fund is very entrepreneurial. He added that their skill set will enable CSTRS to continue to grow their core real estate portfolio.

This news gives all California schools educators hope for a better future, knowing they have an excellent resource during their tenure with the California schools and in retirement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on California schools visit Blog93016
Anjanette Blog84074

How To Find Cheap Travel

This article will uncover the market of cheap travel, suggest ways of finding cheap travel and pay attention to the problem issues that may arise in budget travel.

Student travel has come a long way in the past few decades. It is no longer considered a rarity. Gap years, student electives abroad and cheap summer holidays in distant places, have become part of the generally life-enriching experience that is now considered synonymous with the student status. (Frost F et al., 1999)

The current financial climate, with many students having to rely on student loans, parental support, holiday jobs or personal savings for their financial fluidity, largely dictates and limits just what can be achieved in this regard and there are a number of ploys and strategies that are commonly used to make the money go further or, to look at it another way, to allow the same money let the student go further! (Reisinger Y et al., 2004)

We can start by taking an overview of the situation and dividing up the travel costs into those that are necessary to arrive at a destination and those that are necessarily incurred to move around once the student has arrived. Generally speaking, the preferred way to travel is by flying. It is often the quickest way to travel long distances and in these days of competitive pricing strategies, many of the no-frills and budget airlines are offering very cheap flights across mainland Europe. The unwary student should note that the eye-catching prices quoted are invariably exclusive of taxes and fuel surcharges which can add between 30-200 onto the quoted cost (depending on destination and distance).

As a general rule, the cheaper the flight, the greater the sacrifice of both flexibility and conditions. A flight that arrives or leaves in the early hours of the morning, does not supply food, has minimal in-flight entertainment and a strict baggage allowance, is clearly going to cost less than one that has additional amenities. A word of caution also for these flights as there are generally strict terms and conditions, limited changeability and minimal prospect of refund if there's a problem.

Cheap flights are at the other end of the spectrum from cheap holidays. With holidays the greatest savings are made by those who are willing to book at the last minute. With flights, the converse is true. As flights get booked up, the prices tend to rise. (Bernstein J et al., 1999)

Two of the most commonly used mechanisms for obtaining cheap flights are flight-brokers and screen scrapers. The flight brokers make their money by selling you a flight that gives them a commission. There is therefore a balance between the amount of commission that an airline pays them to fill their seats and the requirements of the student. The screen scrapers are web-based tools such as TravelSupermarket, TravelJungle, and SkyScanner. You effectively enter your requirements and these sites send the details to dozens of airlines (and some brokers) and display their findings with the cheapest first. (Sheth A et al., 2002)

There are variations on this process with sites like Expedia and Travelocity specialising in long-haul flights and Expedia and Opodo allowing flights to one airport then leaving from another. Flights Direct will specifically examine the charter market for occasional bargains.

If you intend to fly on certain dates a few months in the future, it is well worth signing up to the e-mail lists of the appropriate airlines. They will send out details of short-term sales so that you can snap them up at the right moment if they come up. British Airways, Opodo, American Airlines and KLM are particularly good for this type of approach.

Once at the destination, the student has to consider the best way of travelling around. Rather like the airlines, one pays for convenience, accessibility and comfort the cheapest forms of travel generally being the slowest and least luxurious. It is clearly impossible to generalise throughout the world, but hitch-hiking, which might have once been considered the cheapest way to travel, has a distinct risk element of personal safety and clearly is inappropriate for the lone female traveller. Many of the commercially available insurance policies specifically forbid such practices. (Cullinane S, 2002)

Public transport is often the most reliable of the cheaper options. Either the local busses, the long-haul coaches or the train services being generally safe and reliable. Many of the more developed countries offer student travel cards (or a variant) to reduce the costs of repeated journeys and some bus companies (Australia travel being a notable example) will sell an open ticket between two specified destinations which can be used with different segments of the journey being undertaken over a period of several weeks.

There are other considerations relating to travel such as how best to deal with money. The time-honoured way of carrying travellers cheques may no longer be popular, with many students electing for the convenience of "plastic" money and credit cards. One should note that Mastercard will generally convert foreign exchange transactions at about the best commercially available rate, but will then add about 2.75%. This does vary between cards and therefore should be individually checked. Overseas cash withdrawals are also usually subject to a 2% additional fee (minimum charge 2) on both credit and debit cards. In addition to all of this, some credit card companies will also add a transaction fee on foreign transactions. (Halifax is currently the worst, levying 1.75 on each transaction.) For the student, the Post Office or Nationwide credit cards appear to be the best option. They have no levy on overseas purchases but they do charge interest on all cash withdrawals.

As with all travel, insurance is not essential, but only the most foolhardy student would travel without it. The annual multi-trip insurance is seldom competitive except for the USA where it may work out cheaper than individual trip cover (mainly because of the medical expense element applicable to the USA). Most will require you to be staying at pre-booked venues which may not be appropriate for the student traveller.

Decide what cover you need, what excess you need (the first part of each claim that you have to pay yourself) and then shop around. The classic insurance selling line is "why not upgrade to our platinum policy, with 30 million worth of medical cover etc." In real terms, the chances of you ever needing more than 2 million of medical cover or repatriation to the UK is virtually negligible and therefore perhaps best avoided. A good plan is to include a personal liability cover of 1 million and also cover for "cancellations and curtailments" together with cover for lost or delayed baggage and cash.

You should note that Europe-only cover is cheaper than further afield and therefore only select wider cover if it is appropriate. Lastly, ensure that the company you are dealing with is covered by FSA regulated underwriters.

Bear in mind also that the new EHIC card (free from will provide free or discounted health care costs in the EU, but does not cover any repatriation costs.

Useful sites for comparisons and costs are Travel-Insurance-Web for Europe-only travel and Insure For for world-wide travel.


Judith Bernstein, Susan C. Awe (1999) "Wired travellers : travel and tourism", Reference Services Review ISSN: 0090-7324 Dec 1999 Vol 27 (4) 364 - 375

Cullinane S (2002) "The relationship between car ownership and public transport provision: a case study of Hong Kong" Transport policy Vol 9, (1), January 2002, pp. 29-39(11)

Frost F, T Shanka (1999) "Asian Australian student travel preferences: An empirical study", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1999

REISINGER Y, F MAVONDO (2004) "Determinants of youth travel market's perceptions of tourism destinations" Page 1. Tourism Analysis, Vol. 7 pp. 5566 1083-5423/02 2004

Sheth, A. Bertram, C. Avant, D. Hammond, B. Kochut, K. Warke, Y. (2002) "Managing semantic content for the Web", Internet Computing IEEE Jul/Aug 2002 Vol: 6, (4) 80- 87

This article was written by Verena Veneeva professional writer working for Blog87722
Anjanette Blog32851

Bridal Flowers Arrangements

Bridal Flowers Arrangements

A wedding is a formal occasion, which is replete with several customs and traditions. These customs and traditions have been practiced for generations together and people still follow them with great reverence. One of the most discussed features of the wedding is the bridal costume that has several finer details associated with it. Every aspect of the bridal costume reflects grace, beauty and classic touch. The white wedding gown, the white netted veil and the wedding flowers are all the integral features of a bridal costume. Yet another component that completes the image of a bride is the bridal bouquet that is carried by the bride while approaching the altar. The bridal bouquet has a special significance and selected by the bride herself.

Bridal Bouquet

Flowers have always been associated with human emotions and hence it is not surprising that they are an integral part of a wedding ceremony. Every silk flower or artificial flower stands for a specific attribute like roses stand for love, freesia represent trust while ferns stand for sincerity.

The task of creating a bridal bouquet is eagerly awaited by every bride and a great thought is put into selecting the right flowers for the bouquet. The bridal bouquet also carries a special significance and represents the blossoming of a young maiden. Also after the wedding is solemnized, while leaving the venue the bride throws the bouquet over her back among a group of unmarried girls and whoever catches it is the next to be married. Brides usually select their favorite flowers to incorporate in the bridal bouquet. The most commonly used flowers are roses, orchids, dried lavenders, lilies, geraniums and poinsettias.

Once the flowers have been selected they are clubbed together by adding fresh grapevines, ferns and leaves. These are the most natural elements that complement the flowers in the bouquets. Apart from these, the bouquets are also decorated with silk Flowers, laces, ribbons and silk materials that lend a royal touch to the bouquet. To enhance the bouquet it must be accessorized with these embellishments so that beauty of the flowers is accentuated.

Making the Right Bouquet

It is important that the bride follows a few tips while designing her bouquet in order to get it perfect. She can select the conventional, seasonal flowers or even artificial flowers, which would make her bouquet, look different. Sometimes brides also prefer wild flowers to give an exclusive look to their bouquets. It is also important to ensure that the bouquet matches the gown of the bride and also easy to carry. The bouquet must be compact and well covered so that it does not get damaged during the wedding. The modern trend is dominated by bright colors and exotic flowers like orchids and tropical flowers. The classic bridal bouquets comprise of flowers like roses and carnations usually in light pastel shades like pink, yellow or peach.

There are various types of bouquets available for brides like entire-rose bouquet, multi-colored bouquets and even white bouquets. When brides customize their bouquets, they must keep in mind the color and size of every flower. Brides can also consult a florist to make her bouquet the most beautiful and charming assortment.

Tim Haynes is a successful author and regular contributor to http://www.bridal-flower-arrangements.comCecile Blog8049
Carly Blog38861

Maryville, Tennessee: Still One of the Nation's Best Places to Live

In 1999, A&E Network's weekly television series A&E Top 10 named Maryville, Tennessee as one of the top ten places in America to "Have it all." Other noted publications have ranked Maryville as one of the top places in the nation to retire.

Eight years later, the sleepy little town of Maryville is still enjoying a boom in its population and its economics. People are moving to Maryville from the northern states and southern states as well as nations from around the world. Because of this, real estate and home sales, new and used, are on the rise while much of the country is in a slump. New storefronts and restaurants are popping up all over the county while acreage next to main thoroughfares is being bought up in droves.

An increase in population attracts new businesses, but what attracts all these outsiders to purchase a home and relocate to Maryville? The main reason is location. Maryville is located near a major city, a highly popular vacation destination, and the most visited nation parks in the country.

Fifteen minutes to the north is Knoxville, with all the flare of a big city. Residents of Maryville commute to Knoxville for work, shopping, and entertainment. Knoxville boasts two large malls and countless numbers of shopping centers and storefronts. Fine and fast food restaurants also litter the streets of Knoxville. However, we can't talk about Knoxville without mentioning the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame and Neyland Stadium, one of the largest college football stadiums in the country and where the University of Tennessee Volunteers football team plays their home games. Go Big Orange!

Forty minutes to the east of Maryville are Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. In Pigeon Forge visitors can shop, play putt-putt, drive go-carts, attend dinner shows, and much more. Also located in Pigeon Forge is DollyWood, the entertainment park owned by Dolly Parton. Gatlinburg is most known for its Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum and Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. Visitors can also visit Ober Gatlinburg Ski Resort and the Space Needle, which offers a 342 foot aerial view of downtown Gatlinburg and the surrounding mountains.

Thirty minutes to the southeast of Maryville is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The beauty of the mountains, the diversity of wildlife, and the tranquility of nature draw in over 9 million visitors each year making the GSMNP the most visited national park. A popular destination in the park is Cades Cove. Cades Cove is an 11-mile one-way road that winds visitors through a lush valley of fields and woods that are teeming with wildlife such as deer, bear, and an occasional fox.

Maryville also affords many recreational opportunities. Fort Loudon Lake is part of the Tennessee River, which borders Blount County to the north and west. Boaters take to the lake for fishing and skiing. The mountains offer some of the best hiking, biking, and camping available anywhere. Hunting is also a favorite past time for some residents of Maryville.

Maryville, TN has peaceful setting of a rural community with all the advantages of a big city. Factor in low real estate prices, excellent schools, plenty of jobs and career opportunities, and low crime rates and Maryville may just be the perfect place to live.

Derrick Walker is the webmaster for , which displays Maryville TN real estate properties for sale.Cathy Blog67057
Celeste Blog2114

Buying a Refurbished Laptop

When considering buying a used laptop, the first thing to do is to determine what you want to use the laptop for?

* word processing

Requires minimal CPU, since you cannot type faster than a very old Pentium 90.

* e-mail

Requires a minimal CPU, minimal RAM and the connection speed does not matter, unless you are sending or receiving very large files (photos).

* browsing web pages

Requires minimal CPU, 64MB RAM performs ok, but 128MB better. The speed you are connecting to the Internet is more important than the speed of the CPU. 56K modems are slow and DSL or cable are at least ten times faster).

* moving from home to work

Most laptops weigh around seven pounds. If this is important check out the weight. Laptops with a smaller display, typically 12.1" weigh less than four pounds.

* gaming

You should review the Minimum Systems Requirements of the games you play the most. Some games require a very fast CPU (2 GHz, lots of RAM (maybe 2GB) and a specialized graphics chip.

* music

Music does not require much in the way of computing resources. The amount of storage depends upon how many songs you have. The average song takes about 5MB, so 300 songs would be 1.5GB. Most people do not listen regularly to more than 300 songs?

* on-line shopping

This in essence is just like browsing the web. You should have at least 128MB. The CPU is not as important as your connection speed (56K modem is much slower than DSL or Cable).

* a database application or personal finance

Simple database applications like Goldmine or other sales applications do not usally need much in the way of CPU or Hard Drive space. Again check the Minimum Systems Requirments of your application. A very complex or large database (like Quickbooks) might need a large hard drive and a very fast CPU.

Determine what applications you need for your computing environment. They will not come with the laptop, as refurbished laptops often only include the Operating System (OS). If they don't include an installed OS, then be prepared to install it yourself. This is not for those that don't know what they are doing, so research what is involved before buying one without an OS.

Once you understand what you really need, you need to determine your budget.

Most old laptops do not have working batteries. If you need a battery, shop around to figure out how much they cost. You should know that on older laptops, batteries don't last more than an hour or two, so purchasing a new battery for the purpose of longer battery life may not be worth the expense. And by all means, stick with a name brand IBM, Dell, Toshiba, Compaq-HP.

If you are new to computers and you want to browse the World Wide Web, you will need to obtain the services of an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

There are basically two types of Internet access options: broadband (cable modem, DSL, satellite) and lowband (dial-up). Broadband is the preferred type since download speeds can range from 128kbs to 6000kbs. The faster the better, of course. But, if your budget is tight, dial-up works just fine for typical browsing and e-mail usage.

Your choice of ISP will be dependent upon two things: budget and location. If the budget allows and you don't mind paying upwards of $50/month, you can purchase a broadband connection. However, even if money were no object, your physical location will determine what types of services are available to you. Broadband is not available everywhere (with the exception of satellite). If you have a telephone line, you can always choose dial-up. AOL's bread and butter is dial-up users. Do your research to determine what is available in your area and compare costs.

And for you gamers out there, you definitely need a reliable broadband connection. Gaming over a lowband connection can be a frustrating experience and sometimes even impossible. You will need to check out the minimum systems requirement for the games you are interested in using to make sure the CPU speed and the RAM and graphic chip requirements will suppor the games you wish to play.

Once you have figured out your budget and your needs and the requirements of y0ur laptop it is time to search for the laptop of your desires.

Some people choose to search at If you be sure to check out the seller to be sure you will have a smooth transaction.

Many don't want the hassle of bidding, so will use their favorite search engine: or or for the terms used laptops or refurbished laptop.

If you do you are likely to come across my business If you see anything you like at our website or any of the other refurbished laptop vendors call. Most of the vendors have 800 numbers, so it does not cost anything to call. If you happen to call us you will be pleasantly surprised that someone will answer the phone, as it rarely goes to call forward.

An important thing to come in mind is how will the vendor treat you should there be a problem. If you don't like their attitude or they don't pick up the phone shop elsewhere. Price is important, but if you have a problem and spent the least amount of money possible the vendor may not have any resources available to help you after you have purchased and spent your money.

If all the above seems like too much of a hassle, then buy a new computer. It will cost around $800+ (out the door) but will come with a new battery and a one year warranty, although some new ones seem to have only 90 day warranties. It will also have the latest Windows XP system and an 800 number to call the vendor, should their be a problem. I'd call the 800# first before buying to get an idea what kind of support they will provide.

David Perlmutter started in 1996. His first laptop, a Compaq Plus was purchased over 20 years ago, the 2nd year they were manufactured (called luggables at the time). If you told him ten years ago he would have sold 20,000+ laptops to over 12,000 people, he would have laughed hysterically. When not spending time with his family he enjoys the chance to walk in the grass on the golf course.Celestyn Blog97559
Catherin Blog72289

Useful Advice For Cats: How To Care For Your Human

For us cats there are several sweet advantages in having a human as a pet. But remember you are taking on a big responsibility when you adopt one or more humans. Humans are demanding pets that need daily care and attention.

With responsibility come both advantages and disadvantages. If you adopt a human you must get used to spending time at home. Your human does not deal well with being left alone - they will get into all sorts of mischief. For example, if you are gone just two or three days you run the risk of seeing posters put up all over the neighborhood. Your human will put out an APB on you ! Often with an embarrassing text that reveals all sorts of personal details - and usually accompanied by an unflattering photo of you - with morning fur and crumpled whiskers. Exactly the kind of thing that attracts ridicule from all the neighbor cats.

So please consider carefully if you are ready for a life with humans. And remember humans generally grow very old, so there is a big chance that you will spend the rest of your life with your human.

Entertaining your Human

The litter box provides a great opportunity for entertaining your human. Naturally there is all the fun your human can have cleaning and scooping out the box. A lot of human time can also be used getting fresh litter - going to the pet store, transporting it home etc. However many humans like new challenges. Utilize your litter box time in making interesting and artistic renderings of countries or well known islands. Your human will have lots of fun guessing which one you made. Humans like game-shows - so this should be a popular activity. When your human increases in skill you can also make portraits of family and friends. Start with profile portraits - this will make it easer for your human.


Make it a priority to shed indoors on appropriate surfaces. Fleece is a particularly suitable material to shred on. All you need to do is pass close by your human when he or she is wearing fleece. All cat hair within a radius of about 2 feet from the fabric will immediately be transferred to your human. No brushing necessary for several days ! Another good solution is to get access to a filled clothes hamper. Jump into it and give all contents a good work over. An extra bonus with this method is that most cat hairs will survive a trip to the washing machine. Your human will be stylishly accessorized with cat hair on all outfits.

Extra Food

All chances for a bit of extra food must and should be taken advantage of. Whenever your human is in the kitchen there is a prime opportunity of getting an extra snack. When your human is busy at the kitchen table place yourself in your humans blind angle (just behind the ankle is usually a good spot). And the second your human moves one of both feet you jump back screaming your most heart-wrenching cry. Your human will automatically assume that he/she stepped on you. When your human looks back scared to see what is happening look up at him/her with a painful expression on your face (practice this before hand in front of a mirror). Your human's bad conscience will often result an edible apology.

Grass Etiquette

Before you eat grass make sure that you are close to a suitable place to throw up on. Delicate furniture fabrics, precious carpets, and shoes are all good places. If you choose furniture aim for the part that has non-removable fabric. When you are getting down to business make sure you back up a step or two so that you cover the largest area possible. Another technique is to do several items with pauses in-between. Persian carpets will give a good camouflage effect and your little gift will often not be discovered until somebody steps in it.

Preventing your human from wasting valuable time

One of the most important tasks we cats have is to prevent humans in wasting their time. Humans love to spend their time on things with no relevance for cats. For example watching TV, reading, talking on the phone - and many other things that have no entertainment value for us cats what so ever. A lot of methods can be used to prevent human time waste - use your imagination. Some especially effective techniques will be mentioned here.

Watching TV; make sure that you always position yourself between the TV and your human. On the coffee table for example. You can also lie on the TV and let you tail or paws swing down in front of the screen. This method is most effective on small screens where you can cover a large percentage of the screen. It is a bit trickier with a flat screen - and only recommended for the agile kitty. A variation can be used with a computer screen. The new flat screens often leave a lot of empty space on the desk - so just get up in front - remind your human of how wonderful you are.

Cleaning; stalk the vacuum cleaner and attack when it passes by. You can also pretend that you want to attack the vacuum cleaner but "accidentally" catch a foot instead.

Garden work; jump repeatedly up-and-down and scatter any leaves that your human has raked together. Attack gardening tools - especially while they're being used. Immediately dig up any newly planted seeds, plants and flowers.

Closed Doors

Under no circumstances accept closed doors that separate you from your human. At any and all times you have a right to know what your human is doing. If the situation do arise when you by accident have been placed on the wrong side of a door you need to make your human aware of this ASAP so he/she can remedy the situation immediately. Loud meows and scratching on the door should be sufficient to get your humans attention. If this is ignored you need to take more drastic measures: Make a sound as if you are going to throw up. This sound can be heard by all humans in a 50 feet radius. This sound can also be heard through closed doors. The "puke sound" will always result in your human's immediate presence.

Sleeping Time

It is important for us cats to prioritize our sleeping time. The objective is to get as much sleep done as possible while your human is awake. You will then be especially well rested and bushy-tailed at night when it is your job to keep your human awake. You can for example use the classical "cat-play with toes" and attack everything that moves under the duvet. You can also reenact highlights from last year's Grand National Steeplechase by revealingly galloping across the bed. A couple of loud meows will give it an extra exiting dimension for your human


Houseguests require special attention and handling. The following procedures should be followed:

Houseguests that either do not like us or are allergic to us: As soon as they sit down - jump onto their lap.

Noisy children that run after you and/or pull your tail: It is your duty to punish them - it can be necessary to use both claws and teeth. However be prepared that this can result in noise that is even more annoying and of an even louder decibel level.

Guests that try to get in contact with you by ingratiating themselves and speaking in a sweet voice: Should just be ignored. If they try to approach you, back away 5-6 feet - never further away than they feel encouraged to try again. With a bit of practice this game can he kept going for hours.

Bad Weather

Even in bad weather it can be necessary to go outside. The rain and wet ground will result in an unpleasant layer of dirt and mud on your paws. However this can easily be dried off on certain appropriate indoor spots. Find a light carpet, a duvet cover or nice piece of furniture and walk over it a couple of times. When your paw tracks are almost invisible your paws are clean and you are ready to go outside again.

Training your Human

Sometimes it can be necessary to discipline even a well-trained human. However do remember never to hit a human. At the most mark with a soft paw on the human's arm or hands. But try first to make your human understand what it has done wrong. And most importantly: be patient! The human intellect is relatively limited and it can be difficult for them to understand our wishes and needs.

Even after approximately 5000 years of domestication the human species still has primitive instincts and it does take time to train your human completely.

Door Training

One of the first things you need to teach your human is to open the front door, the garden door and backdoor when required. This is done by walking up to a door and make an impatient and very loud meow. Make some tripping steps with your back paws obviously indicating that you need to go to the outdoor litter box. When your human has gotten up from the couch and opened the door you decide that you do not really need to go outside right now. Just for appearances you can stand in the open door and pretend that you are thinking about the situation for a few seconds before you turn around to go inside again. Repeat this procedure several times a day. This will keep your human in good door opening form.

Inspection of the House

A house usually has unlimited possibilities for suitable sleeping spots. Every possibility no matter how theoretical should be investigated and tested. Cardboard boxes, cupboards, drawers, couches and beds are obvious localities, but places such as old slippers (size 11 or higher) open gymbags or kitchen cupboards should not be overlooked.

The house should further be investigated for all possible toys. An old sock can represent several hours of entertainment if you get your claw on a loose end and unravel a couple of miles worth of yarn. You human will love to tidy up after your play.

Martine Carlsen is owned by two wonderful silver abyssinian cats, Sonny and Cher. She is also a web designer and the proud owner and creator of And as you can tell from her website, cats play a big part in both her life and her work.Ardeen Blog75650
Astrix Blog50079

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